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© Matthew Kwan
© Mardy Sean (SVC)
© Charley Hesse
© Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua
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© Oscar Campbell

Ібіс гігантський Pseudibis gigantea

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A hulking gray ibis the size of a large goose and with a distinctively long-bodied appearance, this increasingly rare scimitar-billed waterbird is unmistakable in its limited range. Size alone separates this species from other ibises that share its range; also note wrinkly bald head, dark back, and beautifully scalloped wings. Forages singly, in pairs, or in small flocks. Inhabits lowland plains, moving in response to water availability, occasionally gathering at waterholes during especially dry periods. Forages in marshy or flooded openings in wooded areas, and roosts and nests in nearby trees. Gives loud rolling bugles at dawn and dusk.

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