成鳥オス © John Reynolds eBird S43966594 Macaulay Library ML 94916251
メス/未成鳥 © John Reynolds
成鳥オス © Michael O'Brien
メス/未成鳥 © Michael O'Brien
© Luis Die

ガラパゴスムラサキツバメ Progne modesta




Large, very dark swallow endemic to Galápagos. Male is entirely deep bluish black. Female and juvenile are mostly brown with a bluish tinge to upperparts. In flight, note triangular wingtips and notched tail. Very similar to Purple Martin, which is a rare and erratic visitor (most records are from October to January). Male Galápagos Martin is smaller but otherwise looks almost identical; female is uniform brown below, lacking a pale belly. Uncommon and endangered, with a population estimated at less than 1000 birds. Usually encountered in pairs or very small groups circling overhead as they hunt insects.