メス © Hudson - BirdsRio
オス © Aisse Gaertner
オス © Andres Vasquez Noboa
メス © Ruben Gaasenbeek
+ 5
オス © Hudson - BirdsRio
オス © Luana Bianquini
メス © Stephen Jones
© Andres Vasquez Noboa

シマカザリハチドリ Lophornis magnificus




Tiny hummingbird that is gray and green above and gray below. Like other coquettes it has a white bar across the rump. Males are astonishingly pretty with an orange crest, a ruff of white and green feathers on the neck, and a red bill with a black tip. Females have a white belly, and spotted throat, lacking the male’s crest and orange bill. Found at forest edges, in second growth habitats and in wooded savanna.