メス © Andaman Kaosung
オス © Joachim Bertrands
オス © George Pagos
つがい © Wich’yanan Limparungpatthanakij

ムナホシアカゲラ Dendrocopos analis




Rather unremarkable and typical-looking small black-and-white woodpecker. Extent of “freckling” on the breast varies; Andaman birds are the most heavily marked, and Indonesian birds the palest. Crown is rose-red in males and black in females. Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker is quite similar, but larger, with a brighter red vent and a more tan-colored breast. Stripe-breasted Woodpecker is also quite similar, but even more brightly-colored below and even larger than Fulvous-beasted. Freckle-breasted inhabits open forest and edge up from lowlands up into foothills and lower montane areas. Gives short, sharp notes and trills.