Самец (Benson's) © Nigel Voaden eBird S25719601 Macaulay Library ML 46603691
Самка (Benson's) © Sue Wright
Молодая птица (Benson's) © Chris Courtaux
Самец (Benson's) © Simon Lane
Самец (Forest) © Jean-Sébastien Guénette
+ 3
Самка (Benson's) © Cathy Pasterczyk
Молодая птица (Forest) © John C. Mittermeier

Мадагаскарский каменный дрозд Monticola sharpei

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Chunky, mid-sized robin-like bird. Males are gray and orange, while females are brownish. There is regional variation: western birds are paler, and eastern rainforest birds more richly colored. Madagascar endemic that is found at middle and high elevations in the eastern rainforest, and very locally in dry, rocky habitats in the west. Perches for long periods, in the east in the forest mid-story, and in the west on rocks. Variable whistled song is easy to imitate. Darker than Littoral Rock-Thrush, with little or no overlap in range. Female similar to female Madagascar Magpie-Robin, but smaller and without white patch in the wing.