Male and female © Jacques Erard
Male © Peter Kaestner
Male © Janos Olah

frankolín běloskvrnný Peliperdix lathami

Vaše záznamy se zobrazí po přihlášení



A beautiful but elusive rainforest francolin. The face is well marked with black and gray, the back is brown, and the underparts have bold white spots. Males are darker, chestnut on the back and black below; females are browner. Roams around on the ground of interior rainforests at low to middle elevations. Very shy and difficult to see well. Similar to Nahan’s Francolin, but separated by the dark bill, the lack of red bare facial skin, and the yellow rather than red legs. Most often detected by vocalizations, which include a bubbly descending series and a duet of nasal notes and repeated, descending phrases.