雌成鳥 © James Lambert
雄成鳥 © Pam Rasmussen
雄未成鳥 © Maciej Kotlarski
雄成鳥 © Eric Barnes
+ 3
雄成鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
雄成鳥 © Pam Rasmussen

Flame-breasted Sunbird Cinnyris solaris

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Spectacular male shows glossy blue-green throat and forehead, diagnostic orange breast and belly, and olive back. Female is dull olive with muted yellow underparts and sometimes a yellow eyebrow. Juvenile is a grayer version of female. Singles and pairs inhabit relatively open country, including sparse woods, scrub, and plantations in the lowlands and low hills. Confined to the Lesser Sundas. Female usually duller yellow beneath than female Olive-backed Sunbird, and Flame-breasted sometimes lacks an eyebrow, which is always present in Olive-backed. Song is a series of high-pitched repeated see-sawing whistles, “witchi-witchew,” as well as upslurred “twee” and “tsew” call notes.