dişi © Giuseppe Citino
genç © Patrick MONNEY
erkek © Richard Gray
dişi © Holger Teichmann
+ 2
erkek © Ryne Rutherford

Dılgır Sinekkapan Melaenornis silens

Rozetlerinizi görüntülemek için oturum açın



A large pied flycatcher that is most commonly mistaken for Southern Fiscal. However, the upright stance and slender unhooked bill are distinctive flycatcher traits, and the pattern of white in the flight feathers and basal windows of the tail is diagnostic. The female is duller than the male. Singles and pairs frequent a variety of open country habitats, including gardens, parks, shrubland, and woodland, where they perch conspicuously and hawk insect prey from the ground or aerially. The species is mostly silent but occasionally it utters a thin high-pitched song. The similar Southern Fiscal is more robust than the Fiscal Flycatcher, with a chunky hook-tipped bill, a white V-pattern on the shoulders, and a long tail with white outer feathers.