Самец © Dubi Shapiro eBird S65093220 Macaulay Library ML 205104781
Самка © Jacob C. Cooper
Самец © Billi Krochuk
Самец © Margarita Riera Aguirre

Пестроспинный батис Batis poensis

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The only batis on Bioko. Patterned like a typical batis, with a white belly and throat, black wings with a white bar, and a black face. Males have a black crown, a black back, and a black chest band, whereas females have a gray crown, a gray back, and a rusty chest band. Both sexes have limited white above the eye that can appear like a broken eyeline. Infrequently encountered but widespread from lowland forest to mid-montane forest, where it can be seen in forest and disturbed forest, including plantations. Songs include a series of high-pitched whistled notes, and a few harsh notes followed by a fast trill that descends slightly in pitch.