Female © Stephen Rossiter
Male © Marc Languy
Male © Joachim Bertrands
Male © Jean-Paul Boerekamps
+ 2
Male © Joachim Bertrands

Жалібничка вилохвоста Psalidoprocne obscura

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An elegant sooty-brown swallow with a distinctive long and deeply forked tail. Plumage has a greenish gloss if seen well. Female and juvenile have shorter tails, and the latter is brownish. Resident in some areas; in others, occurs only in the breeding season. Pairs prefer foraging over clearings and the edges of evergreen forest, open woodland, and cultivation, usually near water. Not very vocal, but emits faint squeaky notes and trills. The only other sawwing in Fanti’s range is Square-tailed, which has a much shorter, square-ended tail.

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