นกเต็มวัย (Northern) © Ivan Sjögren eBird S64976215 Macaulay Library ML 204245841
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
นกเต็มวัย (Northern) © Ian Davies
นกเต็มวัย (Northern) © Josep del Hoyo
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Holger Teichmann
+ 7
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Vincent Wang
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Stephan Lorenz
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Vincent Wang
นกเต็มวัย (Southern) © Liao Tzu-Chiang
นกเด็ก (Southern) © 見銘 陳
นกเต็มวัย (Northern) © Phillip Edwards

Eurasian Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes

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Large, distinctive corvid, roughly the size of a Eurasian Jay. Note long and heavy bill, white-flecked face, and black cap. Varies considerably across its range; northern birds (Europe east to Japan) average more extensively spotted, while southern birds (Himalayas east to Taiwan) have chocolate-brown back and flanks. Short tail, white vent, and white tail markings evident during undulating, woodpecker-like flight. Inhabits coniferous and mixed forests, from lowlands up into high montane forests. Often stores nuts for the winter. Mostly resident but large numbers may irrupt periodically out of the normal range in response to food shortages. Gives a variety of calls, especially during the breeding season, including harsh grating rasps, as well as quieter “mumbling” calls and mimicry.