成鳥 © Marc FASOL
成鳥 © Magdalena Nogaj
未成鳥 © Otto Samwald
幼鳥 © Miguel Berkemeier
+ 2
成鳥 © Andre Vieira

アゾレスウソ Pyrrhula murina




Restricted to São Miguel Island in the Azores; found in steep-sided valleys in laurel forests. Medium-large, plump finch with a strong, deep bill and short, rounded wings. Both sexes resembles a female Eurasian Bullfinch, with a black crown, face, and neck, but Azores are dark brown above and light brown below unlike the reddish-orange bellied male Eurasian Bullfinch. Tail and wings are largely black albeit with a white bar. The call is a soft melancholic “phew.”