未成鳥 © Justin Goldberg
成鳥 © Miguel Angel Fuentes Rosúa
成鳥 © Ian Davies
成鳥 © Josep del Hoyo
+ 2
成鳥 © Arthur Grosset

エチオピアノドジロツバメ Hirundo aethiopica




A long-tailed swallow with glossy-blue upperparts and white underparts. The throat is pale buff and there are dark marks at the sides of the breast, but no complete breast band. There is a small patch of brick red above the bill. Found in a wide variety of open habitats, often near water or human habitation. Similar to Red-chested and Barn Swallows, but is buff rather than brick red on the throat. Also similar to Wire-tailed Swallow, but doesn’t have a complete red cap, and has much shorter tail streamers.