Immature © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Adult © Vinz Pascua
Adult © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Adult © Shailesh Pinto
+ 2
Adult and immature © Vinz Pascua

Elegant Tit Periparus elegans

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A small, common bird of forest and more open wooded areas from the foothills to the mountains. Has a yellow cheek and underparts, a black bib, cap, and wing, whitish blotches on the wing, and a black tail with a white tip and edge markings. The female is not as bright as the male. Unmistakable in range. Song consists of a medium-pitched whistle, followed by two high notes, repeated: “chuu chit-chit! chuu chit-chit! chuu.” Also gives nasal rasps typical of tits.