成鳥 © Christoph Moning eBird S11665826 Macaulay Library ML 66268551
未成鳥 © Pedro Nicolau
成鳥 © Stefan Hirsch
未成鳥 © Nigel Voaden
幼鳥 © Subbu Rajan
+ 2
成鳥 © Joshua Vandermeulen

Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus

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Odd-looking, pale, medium-sized vulture with a bare, solemn-looking yellow face. The bill is narrow with a black tip. In flight, the deep-fingered black flight feathers contrasting with white inner feathers may recall White Stork, but the tail is wedge shaped. Juveniles are dirty brown with bare gray faces. An inhabitant of open or semiopen areas, nesting on cliffs and less frequently in trees. Scavenges at rubbish dumps in addition to carcasses, but sadly is in decline over much of its wide range.