Data for:
Breeding adult © Caroline Lambert eBird S56031131 Macaulay Library ML 157218471
Nonbreeding adult/immature © Renato Bagarrão
Immature © Dorian Anderson
Molting adult © Ryan Sanderson
Breeding adult © Matthew Pendleton
+ 6
Breeding adult © Matt Davis
Nonbreeding adult/immature © Peter Hawrylyshyn
Adult and chick © Saravana Moorthy
Nonbreeding adult/immature (with Bufflehead) © Paul Fenwick
Immature © Jerry McFetridge

Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis

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Small, compact grebe with thin pointed bill. Breeding adults mostly black with chestnut flanks; look for wispy golden plumes on cheek and peaked head shape. In winter, grayish overall with a dark cap blending into the dark cheek, and a smudgy dark neck. Red eye visible at close range. Breeds on marshy ponds and lakes; during migration and winter, often seen on large lakes, bays, and open ocean. Compare with Horned Grebe, especially in winter. Eared is thinner-necked and smaller-headed, with more peaked crown, darker cheek, and no pale tip on bill.



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