メス © Johan Fagefors
メス © Christoph Moning
メス © Swapnil Thatte
オス © Mehmet Mahmutoğlu

ヒガシメジロムシクイ Curruca crassirostris




Plain but subtly attractive medium-sized warbler. Adult is gray with a black head and a white throat. Female has a less contrasting head pattern than the male. Younger birds are browner with a faded-looking version of the adult’s head pattern. Visually very similar to the Western Orphean Warbler, but the black on the head is more cleanly cut off from the gray of the back on Eastern Orphean Warbler. Also note the comparatively cleaner-looking belly on Eastern Orphean. Breeding ranges do not overlap. Breeds in open forests from which it delivers its song in phrases with an almost thrushlike warbling melody. Non-breeding habitats include open scrubby habitats, such as thornscrub and semidesert.