成鳥オス © Anselmo d'Affonseca eBird S64964558 Macaulay Library ML 204135141
成鳥メス © Knut Hansen
成鳥オス © Rob Felix
成鳥メス © Jorge Muñoz García CAQUETA BIRDING
成鳥オス © Will Sweet
+ 2
成鳥オス © Eric Heisey

ノドグロアリモズモドキ Thamnomanes ardesiacus




Small antshrike of lowland rainforest understory. Males are slaty gray overall. Most individuals, but not all, have a ragged black throat patch. Females are dull brown with buffier belly. Shorter-tailed than similar Bluish-Slate and Cinereous Antshrikes, with less upright posture (songs also differ significantly). Smaller-billed than similar Plain-winged Antshrike. One of the most prominent leaders of understory multi-species flocks.