Adult © Kyle Kittelberger
Adult © Kyle Kittelberger
Immature © Jean-Louis Carlo
Adult © Patrick Palines

Dusky Crimsonwing Cryptospiza jacksoni

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Small, dark member of the waxbill family. The back and face are red, the wings and tail black, and the underparts dark gray. Males and females are similar, though males have more red on the face. Immatures lack red on the face. Found in Albertine Rift montane forest, including forest edge and glades. Inconspicuous bird that is usually found in pairs or small groups. The call is a high-pitched “tsit.” Similar in size and overall coloration to Dusky Twinspot, but shows red on the face and none on the flanks.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN