© Todd A. Watkins
© Todd A. Watkins
© Charles Davies

クロカンムリヒタキ Elminia nigromitrata




A slim, dark member of the fairy flycatcher family with a blackish head, a slight crest, and slate-gray underparts. Found in the understory of rainforest at low and middle elevations. Perky and active; never seems to stop moving. Frequently joins mixed-species flocks. Similar to White-bellied Crested-Flycatcher, but generally found at lower elevations, and has a dark belly. Also similar to White-tailed Crested-Flycatcher, but smaller, with a dark belly and tail. Reminiscent of Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher, but smaller, and the underparts don’t show a sharp divide between a dark breast and a paler belly.