© Jhonathan Miranda - Wandering Venezuela Birding Expeditions
© David Ascanio
© David Ascanio
© David Ascanio

デルタアマクロマルオカマドドリ Thripophaga amacurensis




Distinctive streaky brown bird of riverine habitats of the Orinoco Delta. Most of body brown with buffy streaks (tear-shaped on underparts). Rich chestnut on chin, wings, rump, and tail. Sexes similar. Locally common and often in pairs, found from understory to canopy in riverine forest where often climbs trunks like a woodcreeper. Voice is an explosive group of short notes, mostly in duet. Similar to Orinoco Softtail (no range overlap), which is less streaked and has a buff eyebrow; Rusty-backed Spinetail is unstreaked. Endemic to the Orinoco River of northeastern Venezuela.