erişkin erkek © Peter Steward eBird S60883861 Macaulay Library ML 191393491
erişkin dişi © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
erişkin erkek © Tuck Hong Tang
erişkin dişi © Weber Tsai
Erişkin ve genç © Sue Chew Yap
+ 2
erişkin erkek © Thibaud Aronson

Al Kanatlı Sarıense Picus puniceus

Rozetlerinizi görüntülemek için oturum açın



Greenish medium-sized woodpecker with bright red wings and crown. Also note striking yellow crest, cream-speckled sides, and pale blue-gray “spectacles”. Male has a greener face than the female, and has a maroon “mustache” stripe. Similar to Checker-throated and Banded Woodpeckers, but note Crimson-winged’s red crown and greenish body. Inhabits both primary and secondary forests, from lowlands into lower montane areas, as well as plantations and logged tracts; favors areas with scattered and isolated tall trees. Forages on trunks and large branches in upperstory, often in distanced pairs or mixed flocks. Call is a high-pitched “kee-dee”, with the second note often being repeated several times, occasionally with a descending quality.