Breeding adult © Anonymous eBird S25413012 Macaulay Library ML 34702901
Nonbreeding adult © Louise Auclair
Nonbreeding adult © Don Roberson
Breeding adult © Marco Valentini
Nonbreeding adult © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
+ 2
Breeding adult © Michael Hyman

Crowned Cormorant Microcarbo coronatus

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN
לא קיימות הקלטות.
הגש/י את שלך

A small, plain-backed cormorant that is restricted to near-shore marine environments, where it is uncommon. Sometimes it occurs in coastal estuaries alongside the similar Long-tailed Cormorant, which has a shorter crest (year-round), a pale-speckled back, and a relatively longer tail. Nonbreeding and immature plumages are brownish with paler underparts. Frequently roosts on coastal rocks with other marine cormorants, which are larger and have blue or brownish eyes. Flies poorly on short, stubby wings; avoids the deeper marine waters frequented by Cape and Bank cormorants.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN