成鳥 © Ad Konings
成鳥 © Stephan Skaarup Båsen Lund
成鳥 © Bradley Hacker 🦜
成鳥 © Bradley Hacker 🦜
+ 2
生息環境 © Anonymous

アカハラツグミモドキ Toxostoma crissale




Dark grayish thrasher with distinctive rufous undertail coverts. Bill long and strongly curved. Tail long and dark. Obvious dark line separating white mustache and white throat. Yellow eye. Secretive and uncommon, although perches conspicuously when singing. Found in brushy deserts. With a good view, easily distinguished from more common Curve-billed Thrasher by darker gray color and rufous undertail coverts. Listen for jumbled, rambling song.