Взрослая © Morten Venas eBird S65128021 Macaulay Library ML 205741341
Молодая птица © Richard Webber
Взрослая © Robert Bochenek
Молодая птица © Peter Steward
Взрослая © Dan Rabosky
+ 4
Молодая птица © Bruce Ward-Smith
Взрослая © Charley Hesse TROPICAL BIRDING
Молодая птица © Bruce Ward-Smith

Венценосный орёл Stephanoaetus coronatus

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A large, boldly-marked, crested eagle with a long tail and broad wings, resembling a massive goshawk. The underparts of the adult are blotched and barred black-and-white; there is also a variable rufous wash across the breast. The pale immature has creamy-tan underwings. It is resident in thicker woodland and lowland, montane, and riverine forest, where it hunts monkeys and other small-to-medium-sized vertebrates. It has an undulating display flight coupled with a loud “wheee-yooo, wheee-yooo, wheee-yooo” call that often draws attention. Juvenile Crowned and Martial eagles are similar, but the Crowned has buffier underparts (and underwings), spotted flanks, and broader bars on the tail.