オス © Patrick Van Thull eBird S53602772 Macaulay Library ML 144333121
オス © Patrick Van Thull
メス © Patrick Van Thull
オス © Luke Seitz
オス © Héctor Moncada

ミカヅキアメリカムシクイ Oreothlypis superciliosa




Attractive, fairly common warbler of oak and pine-oak woods in highlands and foothills. Typically forages in leaf clusters and is usually seen at middle to upper levels in canopy, especially in oaks. Often associates with mixed-species feeding flocks of other warblers, vireos, titmice, and orioles, etc. Note the bold white eyebrow, lack of white wingbars, and the extensive yellow bib with a variable dark reddish crescent on the breast (can be almost absent on some immatures). Song is a cicada-like buzz.