幼鳥 © Brian Sullivan
成鳥 © Graham Montgomery
成鳥 © Herb Elliott
成鳥 © Christoph Moning
+ 2
棲地 © Don Weber

California Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma californica

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Attractive jay of oak woodlands, dry scrublands, and mixed pine-oak. Royal blue above with gray-brown back and light grayish underparts. Flight style is often distinctive, a series of quick wingbeats followed by a stiff glide. Typically in small groups. Listen for scratchy, nasal calls. Regularly visits backyards and feeders. Most similar to Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay (and once considered the same species), but usually separable by range. Also note California Scrub-Jay is darker and more richly colored, with a more obvious blue breast band.