Data for:
Breeding adult © Alix d'Entremont eBird S72018407 Macaulay Library ML 252858111
Nonbreeding adult/immature © Phil Green
Breeding adult © Brian Sullivan
Nonbreeding adult/immature © Evan Lipton
Nonbreeding adult/immature © Blair Dudeck
+ 5
Breeding adult © Brian Sullivan
Breeding adult and juvenile © Doug Hitchcox
Breeding adult © Shawn Billerman
Breeding adult © Brian Sullivan

Common Murre Uria aalge

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Black-and-white seabird with crisp patterning. Dark brownish-black above with white belly. Head entirely dark in breeding plumage; nonbreeding show white face with curved dark line below eye. Sides usually show some messy dark streaks. Bill is longer and more slender than similar Thick-billed Murre; but can be difficult to judge at a distance. Also note browner plumage and streaky sides on Common Murre. Breeds in colonies on rocky islands and cliffs; spends the rest of the year on the ocean. Usually single or in loose small groups; in the Atlantic, sometimes seen in loose association with Razorbills.



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