成鳥 © Rodrigo Ferronato
成鳥 © Bryan Calk
成鳥 © Matt Davis
幼鳥 © Mary Rumple
+ 6
成鳥 © David Carr
幼鳥 © Darren Clark
成鳥 (melanogaster) © Seth Ausubel
鳥群 © Matthew Pendleton
棲地 © Mitch Walters

Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota

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Compact swallow with a short, square tail. In flight, looks slightly less angular than other swallows, with more rounded wings. Note pale buffy-orange rump, which separates Cliff from most other swallows in range. Also look for dark throat and pale forehead. Widespread and fairly common, especially in western North America. Breeds under bridges, overpasses, and culverts. Winters in South America. Compare especially with Cave Swallow, which has a paler throat and orange forehead.