成鳥オス © Adam Jackson eBird S161528160 Macaulay Library ML 615426611
メス © German Garcia
オスの未成鳥 © Sherry Hagen
成鳥オス © Esteban Matías (birding guide) Sierra de los Cuchumatanes Huehuetenango esteban.matias@hotmail.com +502 53810540
メス © Manuel Becerril González
+ 2
成鳥オス © Brennan Moore

ハナサシミツドリ Diglossa baritula




Small, active, warblerlike bird of highlands. Found in flower banks, forest edges, and overgrown brushy fields with flowers, mainly within pine-oak and evergreen forests. Also visits towns and gardens with flowering shrubbery. Flits amid flowers, piercing the bases with its "can-opener" bill. Distinctive male is slaty blue with a rusty breast and belly. Female and young are rather nondescript, with faint dusky streaking on breast and variable rusty wash on belly, but note distinctive bill shape.