オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65188778 Macaulay Library ML 206027121
メス © Tony King
幼鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
オス © Ian Davies
メス © Dubi Shapiro
+ 2
オス © Ian Davies

メスアカメガネヒタキ Platysteira castanea




A chunky and short-tailed rainforest wattle-eye. Males are black and white with a very broad black breast band. Females are mostly chestnut with a white belly and a gray head. Both sexes have bluish-purple bare skin around the eye. Found in the understory and at middle levels of rainforest and gallery forest at middle and low elevations. Similar to White-spotted Wattle-eye, but separated by the lack of white spots on the face. The vocalizations are highly variable and consist of repeated notes, which can be clear toots or frog-like notes.