オス © Ansar Khan
つがい © Jason Boyce
つがい © jaya samkutty
オス © Madhav Murthy
+ 3
オスとメス © Andy Warr
つがい © Soar Excursions

カンムリキジ Catreus wallichii




A large, pale pheasant with a long tail, an untidy crest, and red skin around the eye. The male is pale gray, barred throughout, with thick black bands on the tail, a rust-colored lower back, and a dark belly. The female is browner with white streaks on the body, white bars on the tail, a rust-colored belly, and black spots on the breast. Shy, often found in small groups along steep, grassy hillsides in the Himalayas. Quite noisy, usually delivering a series of thin and scratchy notes.