Macho em reprodução © David M. Bell eBird S56875004 Macaulay Library ML 173394981
Adulto fora de reprodução/imaturo © Jacob Drucker
Macho adulto © Shawn Billerman
Adulto fora de reprodução/imaturo © Justyn Stahl
Macho em reprodução © Luke Seitz
+ 5
Juvenil © James Kennerley
Macho em muda © Adam Wood
© Joachim Bertrands
Bando © Brian Sullivan

Chestnut-collared longspur Calcarius ornatus

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Sparrowlike ground-dweller; crouches low to the ground and walks with pattering footsteps. Breeding male shows beautiful chestnut nape, black-and-white head stripes, yellowish throat, and black belly. Females and nonbreeding birds are much more subtle. Tan overall with washed out face pattern, a slightly warmer nape, and indistinct streaks below. With a good view, look for shorter wingtips than other longspurs. In flight, note extensive white on edges of tail. Often found in flocks, sometimes mixed other longspurs. Breeds in grassy prairies, where males give a complex descending song. Winters in fields with short grass.