Breeding adult © Robert Hutchinson eBird S178203218 Macaulay Library ML 620333874
Nonbreeding adult © Yann Muzika
Breeding adult © Robert Hutchinson
First winter © Vatcharavee Sriprasertsil
First winter © 志民 蘇
+ 5
First winter © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok
Second winter © Matthew Kwan
Second summer © Bradley Hacker 🦜
Third winter © Matthew Kwan

Mongolian Gull Larus mongolicus

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A large gull that breeds mainly inland, and migrates to the coast for the winter. Adults have a fairly pale gray back, pale eye, and dull yellow legs that can have a hint of pink coloration. Takes four years for immatures to progress from mostly brown to fully white and gray adult plumage; intermediate plumages are often mottled and messy. Variable plumage can make identification tricky. Occurs inland and along the coast, frequenting river mouths, harbors, beaches, lakes, and ponds. Often forms flocks with other gulls. Very similar to Vega Gull, and separation often difficult, but has a smaller head and bill; adults also generally have yellower legs.



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