Adult han © Bernard Guevorts eBird S65185892 Macaulay Library ML 205930361
Hun © Bitty Roy
Immatur han © Markus Lilje
Adult han © Rich Hoyer
Hun/immatur © Bernard Guevorts
+ 4
Adult han © Niall D Perrins
Hun/immatur © Niall D Perrins
Hun/immatur © Simon Colenutt

Carmelite Sunbird Chalcomitra fuliginosa

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A large, dark sunbird that is usually found near the coast, although inland populations exist locally, perhaps most notably in Angola. Occurs in a variety of disturbed and edge habitats as well as in swamps and coastal woods. Males are overall chocolate-brown with iridescent purple-pink throats and foreheads, while females are a much paler olive-brown with noticeably darker throats. Bill is relatively straight. Distinguished from the smaller and more compact Green-throated Sunbird by its larger size, its small purple throat and crown, and the female’s dark throat. Calls include liquid “pip” notes and buzzy trills, with songs comprising variable combinations of these notes.