オス (Loyalty) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65189235 Macaulay Library ML 206009741
メス (Loyalty) © Tommy Pedersen
メス/未成鳥 (Cardinal) © Josep del Hoyo
オス (Loyalty) © Andrew Spencer
オス (Cardinal) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
+ 4
メス (Loyalty) © Tommy Pedersen
オス (Loyalty) © Kathryn Young
オス (Cardinal) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

ミツスイ Myzomela cardinalis




A small, strikingly plumaged myzomela with a bright crimson red head, back, and rump and black wings, belly, chest, and tail. Thin bill decurved. Female mostly dark reddish, with darker ruddy brownish coloration where male would be black. Seems to prefer forest habitats, but widespread. Unique coloration of both sexes should identify this species with certainty. Vocally shy. Common call is a repeated high-pitched, insect-like “tseet.”