成鳥 © James (Jim) Holmes eBird S18459850 Macaulay Library ML 36320201
未成鳥 © Steven Mlodinow
成鳥 © Andre Moncrieff
未成鳥 © Dodo Colombia
成鳥 © Michael Tromp
+ 2
© Michael Tromp

コクロムクドリモドキ Quiscalus lugubris




Common in northern South America and the Lesser Antilles. Found in a variety of open habitats, including around towns and cities, especially abundant along the coast. Male is glossy black with a pointed bill and a yellow eye. Tail is fairly long and wedge-shaped. Females are dark grayish-brown with slightly paler on underparts and a yellow eye. Smaller and shorter-tailed than Great-tailed Grackle.