成鳥 (occidentalis/fulva) © Liam Singh
成鳥 © Alix d'Entremont
成鳥 © Brian Collins
幼鳥 © Jason B Bidgood
+ 4
成鳥 © Esme Rosen
成鳥 © Kent McFarland
成鳥 © Daniel Jauvin

Canada Goose Branta canadensis

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A large brown goose with a black neck and white chinstrap. Overall size, bill size, and brown coloration variable across subspecies. Occurs in any open or wetland habitat, from city parks and golf courses to pristine marshes and Arctic tundra. Typically in flocks or family groups. Often seen in mixed flocks with Cackling Goose, especially in central and western North America. Canada Goose is almost always larger, longer-necked, and longer-billed than Cackling, although beware there is some overlap between the smallest Canada and largest Cackling. Abundant and widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada; rare in Mexico. Introduced and widely established in Europe. Listen for loud honking calls, especially as flocks migrate overhead in the classic V formation.