メス © Shane Dollman
オス © Peter Kaestner
メス © John Sterling
オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
+ 2
オス © Tommy Pedersen

キノドタイヨウチョウ Chalcomitra adelberti




The male is a beautiful and unmistakable sunbird with a pale yellow throat, an iridescent green cap and chin, a black breast band, and a chestnut belly. The color of the upperparts varies geographically, being chestnut-brown in the west and blackish-brown in the east. Females have a faint pale eyebrow and heavy streaking below. Found in lowland rainforest, gallery forest, plantations, and gardens. Female similar to female Johanna’s Sunbird, but has a shorter bill. One characteristic call is a loud “chee-uu.” The song consists of series of squeaky whistles in a simple pattern.