メス © ian dugdale
メス © Dave Bakewell
オス © Dave Curtis
オス © Robert Tizard

チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ Cyornis glaucicomans




One of a number of confusingly similar blue flycatchers. Male is brilliant blue above with orange throat and breast; note off-white lower belly. His dark orange throat distinguishes him from Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher. Female is drab brown with an orange chest, white belly, and dull rufous tail. Note weak orangish eyering, dull tannish throat, and overall warm brown coloration. Brown flanks in both sexes. Breeds in montane and hilly forest, typically in areas with dense undergrowth; winters at lower altitudes. Musical song is composed of trills and whistles; calls are a hard “tak” or “chek.”