メス © Stefan Hirsch
オス © Brian Henderson
メス © Eric Francois Roualet
オス © Eric Francois Roualet
+ 6
オス © Ian Davies
メス © Ray Scally
オス © Stefan Hirsch
オス © Edward Brinkley
オス © Christoph Moning

ヤブイワスズメ Gymnoris dentata




A drab sparrow of dry country. Males have a mostly gray head with a rufous eyebrow. Females have a broad pale eyebrow. Both sexes have a white throat. Found in savanna and broadleaf woodland. Similar to Yellow-throated Bush Sparrow, but separated by the eyebrow mark and the smaller size. Female is similar to female sparrows such as House Sparrow, but has a longer bill and a broader pale eyebrow stripe. The call is a ringing “chree,” often given in rapid series.