オス (Pacific) © Paul Fenwick eBird S74536294 Macaulay Library ML 269194701
オス (Interior) © Darren Clark
オス (melanotis Group) © Anuar López
メス (Pacific) © DigiBirdTrek CA
メス (Interior) © Darren Clark
+ 7
メス (melanotis Group) © Brandon Nidiffer
オス (melanotis Group) © Miguel Aguilar @birdnomad
オス (Pacific) © Matt Davis
幼鳥 © John C Sullivan
群れ © Alane Gray
生息環境 © Taylor Abbott

ヤブガラ Psaltriparus minimus




A tiny, long-tailed, fluffy gray ball of a bird. Distinctly drab brownish-gray with a stubby dark bill. Multiple populations differ slightly: eye color ranges from dark to pale, and some have black cheeks. Constantly in motion; active, twittering flocks move quickly through bushes and trees. Listen for their high-pitched, scratchy calls. Found in brushy woodlands and pine-oak forests in western North America, south to Guatemala.