Самець © Leif Gabrielsen eBird S96347126 Macaulay Library ML 377709281
Іматурний самець © Robert Hutchinson
Ювенільний птах © Jon Hornbuckle
Дорослий самець © Erickson Tabayag

Нільтава синьовола Cyornis herioti

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An attractive flycatcher of forest understory from the lowlands to low mountains in northern and central Luzon. Male has a deep blue throat, chest and upperparts, blackish face, and pale blue forehead and eyebrow. Female has a brown back, rufous wings and tail, gray head, orange throat and pale eyebrow. Male is somewhat similar to Blue-and-white Flycatcher, but Blue-breasted Blue has orange-fringed white belly. Female somewhat similar to Mugimaki female but has a gray head. Song is a high-pitch, shrill “tsiiiiiiiii!” followed by a variety of lower notes.

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