繁殖期のオス © GARY DOUGLAS eBird S35434407 Macaulay Library ML 52357061
メス/非繁殖期のオス © Nigel Voaden
繁殖期のオス © Nick Hudson
メス/非繁殖期のオス © Matthias Bachmann

ミナミオビロホウオウジャク Vidua obtusa




Lays its eggs in the nests of Orange-winged Pytilia. The distinctive breeding male has a long, broad tail. Non-breeding males and females are nondescript sparrow-like birds with striped heads and pale underparts. Found in broadleaf woodland, mainly miombo. Most records are of the conspicuous and easily identified breeding-plumaged males. Mimics the inconspicuous vocalizations of its host Orange-winged Pytilia. Breeding male is similar to Eastern Paradise-Whydah, but has a shorter and broader tail, and darker buff and rufous coloration on the nape and breast. Non-breeding male and female are very similar to Eastern, but have a paler bill and lack strong “comma” marks on the cheek. Also similar to female and non-breeding male indigobirds, but larger.