Самець © David Beadle eBird S65114647 Macaulay Library ML 205370191
Самиця © Nik Borrow
Самець © Markus Lilje
Самець © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Самець © Robert Tizard

Астрильд бурий Clytospiza monteiri

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An unusual, beautiful twinspot with a gray hood, a red rump, and a rufous breast and belly covered in white “twin spots.” Males have a red central throat stripe and females a white one. Found in areas with thick undergrowth, including lush savanna, overgrown cultivated areas, and forest edge. Often in pairs or small groups. Most similar to Dybowski's Twinspot, but separated by many details, including the brown back and the rufous underparts with twin spots extending onto the breast. The call is a harsh “veet” and the song is a variable, high-pitched twittering.

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