© Alan Van Norman
© Graham Williams
© Sean Christensen
© Sean Christensen

Breiðtoddi Todus subulatus

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A small, gemlike species of woodlands including coffee plantations and mangroves. The rather large head, long bill, and short tail create a profile shared only by the Narrow-billed Tody within its range. Both species have bright green upperparts and red on the throat and sides. Note especially the dark eyes of Broad-billed Tody, as compared to the pale eyes of Narrow-billed. Many Broad-billed Todys also have a buff-yellow wash below, which the Narrow-billed lacks. On birds lacking buff below, the Broad-billed can be identified by its all red lower bill, which is black tipped in the Narrow-billed. Further clues to identification include altitude, with this species occurring mostly below 700 meters elevation and the Narrow-billed occurring above 700 meters. The Broad-billed also tends to forage higher and on more open perches. Its most common vocalization is a rough, quick “weep” or “whip” given in series at about two per second. Compare to call of Narrow-billed Tody, which utters a buzzy “chik-zhwik” and a rapid buzzy chatter.