Adulto em fase reprodutiva © Jim Sims eBird S71321524 Macaulay Library ML 248635001
Adulto fora de reprodução © Evan Lipton
Primeiro inverno © Brandon Holden
Juvenil © Jay McGowan
Adulto fora de reprodução © Darren Clark
+ 5
Primeiro inverno © Alan Wells
Juvenil © Brandon Holden
Primeiro verão © Jay McGowan
Habitat © Kate Caldwell

Guincho-americano Chroicocephalus philadelphia

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The most common small gull through most of North America, especially inland. Breeding adults have a black head, thin white eye arcs, bright red legs, light gray upperparts, and black wingtips. Note distinctive wing pattern on adults in flight: white wedge on the leading edge of the wing, with small black tips on the outer wing feathers. Nonbreeding adults and immatures have pinkish legs and a mostly white head with black ear spot. Immatures are more heavily marked with brown and black on the wings. Breeds near water in boreal forest; the only gull that makes a stick nest in a tree. Often seen in large flocks along beaches, bays, coves, and lakes during migration and winter. Feeds on small fish and invertebrates, often gracefully fluttering around and picking them off the water surface.