雄成鳥 © Jack & Holly Bartholmai eBird S42423037 Macaulay Library ML 84247171
雌鳥 © Jonathan Irons
幼鳥 © Sean Fitzgerald
雄未成鳥 © Linda Lewis
幼鳥 (with Chipping Sparrow) © Christophe Buidin
+ 7
雄成鳥 © Ryan Sanderson
雄成鳥 © Andrew Simon
雌鳥 © Emily Turteltaub Nelson
雄成鳥 © Ann Tanner
雄性和雌性成鳥 © Nick Pulcinella
棲地 © Amiel Hopkins

Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater

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Stout bill. Short tail and stocky body. Males are glossy black with chocolate brown head. Females are gray-brown overall, without bold streaks, but slightly paler throat. Juveniles streaked brown. Found in open woods, farmland, and stockyards. Forages by walking on the ground. Often in flocks with other blackbirds in winter. Visits feeders. Unpopular due to their parasitic habit of laying eggs in nests of other birds.