オス © Suzanne Labbé eBird S31410978 Macaulay Library ML 44029181
メス © Peter Hawrylyshyn
オス © Roger Ahlman
メス © Paul Tavares
オス © Ulrich Menzel
+ 2
オス © Edison🦉 Ocaña

ミドリフタオハチドリ Lesbia victoriae




Small hummingbird with an exceptionally long tail. Green overall with a fairly short, slightly decurved bill. The male’s long tail is striking. Sexes similar but females are more spotted below and have a shorter tail. Could be confused with Long-tailed Sylph, but the trainbearer occurs in dry, scrubby, open habitats, not in forests. Compare with very similar Green-tailed Trainbearer; Black-tailed has a longer, more decurved bill, a longer tail that usually looks slightly curved, and is somewhat duller green. Occurs from Colombia to Peru, from around 2,500 to 3,800 m. Occasionally visits feeders, but more often seen feeding at flowering shrubs.