Adult © Gil Ewing
Adult © Jenny Bowman
Nest © Rainer Seifert

Монарх буруйський Symposiachrus loricatus

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A little-known black-and-white flycatcher-like species restricted to the island of Buru. Has a black hood, a striking white facial mark below the eye, all-black upperparts, and white outer tail feathers, lower chest, and belly. Juvenile has brown upperparts, rusty outer tail feathers, and a pale underside. Abundant in lowlands, less so in foothills, inhabiting understory of forests in singles and pairs. Attends mixed-species flocks. Lacks the extensive white facial markings and white wing panel of White-naped Monarch. Gives a repeated mournful whistle, “teeeeoow,” descending at the end, and rasping notes.

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